11 Best Substitutes For Milk In Mac And Cheese

Having the necessary ingredients to make up a meal is halfway a guarantee to getting the best results out of the recipe.

Most ingredients seem irreplaceable since they are the main ingredients, however, some of the ingredients can easily be replaced. But this does not mean that, to some extent, it would not affect the taste of your recipe.

Mac and cheese are great when you add the required milk to them. However, many things could come in place and most likely would demand for substitutes for milk in Mac and cheese.

Can you replace milk in Mac and cheese? Yes, you can! And there are a good number of substitutes that we deem are perfect replacements.

So read on as we gradually unravel this in our guide today!


What are Mac and cheese?

Also known as macaroni and cheese, Mac and cheese is a dish that is made using macaroni pasta and a piece of cheese. The cheese that is mostly used is cheddar. Mac and cheese also permit other ingredients in other to make up a creamy texture and sweet flavor.

Traditionally, Mac and cheese are baked in an oven, but many people prepare it in a saucepan or even on top of the stove.

It is the main dish that you can relish at any point of the day. It is light and can serve as dinner. However, for lunch, you might want to go for side dishes that would complement Mac and cheese while offering you this satisfaction.

How does Mac and cheese taste?

Mac and cheese have this creamy texture because of the milk added to it, and although there are other ingredients added to it, the taste could range from mild to sweet taste.

Well, depending on what you add to the Mac and cheese, the taste will vary. It would be super delicious if you add enough milk and other spices.

Your Mac and cheese will have this mild taste if you add just a little milk and a few other ingredients.

Most of the time, the taste of your Mac and cheese depends mainly on the type of milk you use in making it. Really? How so? Well, there is only one type of milk that is mostly used for Mac and cheese, and using another might not give Mac and cheese that usual taste.

What is the best milk for making Mac and cheese?

Whole milk is the one milk that does a great job in bringing that smooth, creamy texture and sweet flavor to Mac and cheese. So, if you are looking forward to making a classic food that tastes like Mac and cheese, use whole milk.

However, this does not mean that there are no suitable replacements for milk in Mac and cheese when the need arises.

So let’s look at substitutes for milk in Mac and cheese.

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11 Best Substitutes For Milk In Mac And Cheese

Milk is the main ingredient that makes Mac and cheese appear so rich and creamy, so what can replace milk in Mac and cheese? Well, to get virtually the same consistency, it is best to use milk-based products to replace milk when making this nutritious meal.

1. Plain yogurt

plain yogurt

Are you looking for the best dairy substitute for milk in Mac and cheese? Well, here it is. Plain yogurt is a milk-based product that can serve as a great substitute for milk when it’s time to make your meal!

It is so good, and most times, it offers creamier consistency than milk.

To use yogurt: it is best you lower the heat setting and slowly add the yogurt. When replacing milk with yogurt, keep the measurements equal to what you would when using whole milk.

Please, do not heat the yogurt on high heat, doing so would cause the water and fat to separate, and at that, you may end up with many lumps in your recipe.

Closely related to plain yogurt is Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is also a great substitute. However, if you add to your recipe, it would make your Mac and cheese appear creamier. If you must add Greek yogurt, add some water to it!

2. Oat milk (plain)

oat milk

You can also use plain oat milk to make your mac and cheese. Plain oat milk has a mild flavor and is mostly used by vegans.

It is naturally sweet and works well in any savory recipe. Don’t worry; it would give you the same consistency that whole milk would give in your recipe.

So it is best to add the same amount as you would if you use whole milk.

3. Sour cream

sour cream

Sour cream is relatively thicker than milk, so it would make Mac and cheese appear creamier. If you think you cannot deal with the thickness, you can add a little water to reduce it.

Sour cream has a bit of taste than milk, and in general, this might affect the taste of your Mac and cheese.

Sour cream and Greek yogurt have the same consistency, little wonder both are used interchangeably.

4. Heavy cream

heavy cream

Heavy cream is another great substitute for milk in Mac and cheese. Heavy cream has more fat than milk, and this might mean cutting down on the butter if you must. However, it offers a creamier appearance for your Mac and cheese.

To use heavy cream: you will have to cut down on using heavy cream since it has a higher fat content. You should add it one at a time. Whisk until you get your desired consistency. You can also add water if you want to reduce the fat content.

5. Cream cheese

 cream cheese

Cream cheese is another great choice if you are looking for a milk-based option for milk in Mac and cheese. It has this mild flavor that would not interfere with or alter the taste of your Mac and cheese.

The thickness of cream cheese makes the Mac and cheese appear more creamy and thick as well.

Oftentimes, this is the best substitute for butter because it has more fat and also it is low in protein.

6.  Almond milk

almond milk

Are you trying to avoid dairy? Then almond milk is a good replacement for you. Although the nutty and sweet taste might seem overpowering, it is still a great substitute for milk in Mac and cheese.

Note: since almond milk is more watery than other milk, it might not offer you this creamy texture that makes Mac and cheese attractive. So you should increase the quantity you intend to use.

7. Soy milk

soy milk

Soy milk is one of many products of soybeans. It is thicker than almond milk and would offer creamy consistency to your Mac and cheese.

For best results, choose unflavored soy milk when making Mac and cheese, this is because the flavored soy milk would overshadow the taste of your recipe.

8.     Cashew milk

cashew milk

Cashew milk is strained from the cashew itself. Cashew milk is now becoming versatile as many households use cashew milk for a lot of recipes. The nutritional profile is mind-blowing, and people rush to it because of the health benefits.

Cashew milk is thick enough to offer your Mac and cheese that creamy consistency required of it to shine!

Note: cashew milk is nut-based and might not be suitable for people that are allergic to nuts.

9.     Evaporated milk

evaporated milk

Also known as unsweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk is a type of milk that’s been stripped of about 60% of its water content.

It is known for its ability to thicken up coffee. You can use evaporated milk in place of milk when it’s time to make Mac and cheese.

To use evaporated milk: You should add water to it, so you do not end up with caramelized flavor.

You can use powdered milk too! You just have to add some water to it to avoid lumps in your recipe.

10.  Coconut milk

 coconut milk

Coconut milk is a good replacement for milk in Mac and cheese. However, coconut has quite an overpowering aroma. So, it would alter the taste of your recipes.

But that does not mean it is not fit for a perfect replacement for milk in Mac and cheese. The next suggestion might sound impossible; however, it is also a great substitute.

11. Water


Really… water? Yes, we know water is not milk-based. However, if you must make your Mac and cheese and do not mind, then you can use water in place of milk.

However, you would end up with a thinner and less creamy texture. If you want, you can adjust the amount of butter in the Mac and cheese.

To use water: it is best to use the water you got from the pasta you boiled. Using plain water would certainly affect the appearance of the Mac and cheese. So, if you do not want to end up with a watery Mac and cheese, use water boiled from the pasta.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you make Mac and cheese without milk?

Well, our last suggestion shows it all. So, yes, you can make Mac and cheese without milk, however, the thing is that your recipe would appear less creamy and, in most cases watery.

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Congratulations! Now you have the best substitutes for milk in Mac and cheese. However, this is what you must bear in mind, some of these substitutes would, because of their fragrance overpower your recipe.

So, it is best to know which substitute works best for you. And we have helped you by gathering all the best substitutes for your milk.

Refer to this guide for more clarification. We hope you make a great choice.

Good luck doing that!