10 Amazing Side Dishes For An Egg Salad Sandwich

Popularly known as the egg sandwich, an egg salad sandwich is a perfect combo that many people have for breakfast. It is a great staple if you are on a diet too!

It is many mixed feelings having some eggs, vegetables, mustard, and even tomatoes trapped in between two pieces of bread with mayonnaise sealing them.

It even seems the egg salad sandwich does not need any dish to complete it because it is whole already.

But there are great side dishes for an egg salad sandwich. You can find out these side dishes in this guide.


What kind of side dish can fit an egg salad sandwich?

Many dishes can complement an egg salad sandwich, but this would depend on what works for you.

Any dish, whether spicy or with a mild taste, can easily make a side dish for an egg salad sandwich.

More so, any dish that you can make from the comfort of your home or order in just a snap of a finger can fit in for the day. You would certainly relish your meal without regrets.

How about you see the ingredients that make up the egg salad sandwich and how they affect the recipe?


Most people would have their eggs boiled, some fried and others scrambled. Whatever it is as long as you have egg, which is one of the principal ingredients. Eggs add some distinct flavor to the recipe.

Yellow mustard

Add some mustard to add some tangy flavor to the recipe.


Mayonnaise does a great job of adding some creamy texture to the dressing while holding the mix.


Some herbs to make up that greenish look. If you admire the ones you see people do, then add all these, including celery, to have that crunchy feeling following every bite.


Lettuce is always a way to go if you are looking for great herbs to make layering.


You cannot build this mountain of goodness without bread, so ensure you get bread that is not too soft or hard. Just something in between.

So, let us get on its side dishes for the egg salad sandwich.

Best side dishes for an egg salad sandwich

We made a great pick for you and the fun part is they are not just easy to make; they are budget-friendly.

1. Potato chips

potato chips

Potato is always an excellent side dish that would not disappoint. Whether you fry, bake, or cook potatoes, you will end up with a savory meal.

However, for this recipe, the egg salad sandwich just has your potatoes sliced and fried and in a matter of time, you have some excellent meal to make up your day.

Potato chips add some crunchy feelings as you eat them with an egg salad sandwich, plus it is nutritious having them with this recipe. Serve your egg salad sandwich with potato chips and be glad you did.

2. Crispy bacon rashers

crispy bacon rashers

When it is time to eat your egg salad sandwich, you can use bacon to enjoy it. Something crispy for a recipe that is oozing with goodness is what you need to get on a ride to satisfaction.

Spice up the bacon when it is on heat, so you have it tasty. So, crispy bacon rashers are a great side dish for an egg salad sandwich.

3. Potato salad

potato salad

Here is another potato for a great dish. Potato salad will add to the creamy texture and add some flavor to your egg salad sandwich.

Just slice your potato to bite-size and have them cooked, then add the spices and some cream to it.

You can now enjoy your meal for that day!

4. Fruit salad

fruit salad

Enough of potatoes… now is a salad season! Fruit salad adds an umami flavor to dishes that require it. The juiciness that follows every bite sure guarantees that.

Get all the berries in a bowl. Blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, and strawberry are great mixes. Add some cream if you must. Fruit is always a great option for an egg salad sandwich and would make up a full course meal for you.

So settle for fruit salad if you are looking for the best side dish for an egg salad sandwich.

5. Tomato and cucumber salad

tomato and cucumber salad

Remember, we said this is salad season for you. Tomatoes are always oozing with great nutrients and they add impeccable flavor to dishes.

And when you use them as a side dish, be sure you would try them again and again. That is how good tomato is.

And now, with cucumbers, you would have an unforgettable experience pairing them with an egg salad sandwich. Onions to add some flavor to this mix.

You can use cherry tomatoes if you want a trouble-free dish. However, beefsteaks and heirloom tomatoes are great picks too. Slice them tiny alongside onions to have some interesting looks on your table.

You can learn also 8 Best Substitutes For Cherry Tomatoes In A Salad

6. Bean salad

bean salad

Now you can have some beans on the list, and still a salad. Beans are very proteinous and are great for many recipes. Although they are mainly great as side dishes, the right ingredients can make up the main dish, too.

Whether it is navy beans, white kidney beans, or red beans, you would have the best time using them as salads.

Pairing bean salad with an egg salad sandwich is such an amazing combo!

7. Coleslaw


Okay, it is time to have some carrots and cabbage do your bidding. Carrots are known for their nutritious values and the crunch they add to any recipe you serve them with.

Add some cabbage to the mix and if you like green pepper, too. You will not regret the mix.

8. Cheese sticks

cheese sticks

Cheese is great when you have them without making them cheesy. However, for this course, you only need some vibes to continue relishing the goodness that comes with the egg salad sandwich.

And the cheese stick offers that vibe. Cut the cheese as many as possible and have served with your recipe. Mozzarella cheese would do the perfect job for you!

9. Scrambled eggs

scrambled eggs

This might seem like a bit too much, having eggs with eggs. But scrambled eggs can come with many ingredients, adding different flavors to them at the same time.

So, if you would not mind having more eggs, then use some scrambled eggs as an egg salad sandwich.

10. Hot sauce

hot sauce

It is almost impossible to have breakfast with hot sauce. However, an egg salad sandwich permits that. So, prepare to have a spicy feeling by pairing an egg salad sandwich with hot sauce.

You can learn how to make a hot sauce to get the best out of it.


In the end, we advise you to go for what works best for you. Now that you know the ingredients that work with egg salad sandwiches, you would be glad to find the best side dishes for an egg sandwich.

All these side dishes are great for an egg salad sandwich. However, you are always free to make a turn where the need is, be flexible and creative and you will surely get the best from your recipe.

We hope you make the best choice. Have a great time pairing your recipe with some great side dishes.